
Saturday, January 06, 2018

Formento Photographers: Lucia Amoros 

Formento Photographers: Lucia Amoros

Wednesday, September 17, 2003

The Canadian TEAM Project is advancing. Last week I observed a new interface. Now, we can see new tables more atractives with little windows answering ours doubts about criteria. Into Course Management System (web EDUTOOLS) we can take a decision about one or more software, compare and take information.

I know that it is a bit dangerous say this but, for me is the best tool on-line of evaluation and selection of systems and tools in e-learning!!

Product information:

Compare product:
Make a decision:

Friday, August 15, 2003

Good weekend!

Today, 15 th. Aug., start this weblog, a little present where you can find diferent ideas about educational assesment, evaluation, connectivity, .... Technology, Society and Education.

My first "Thank you" is for the McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology. In particular, for Mark Federman.

Thank you Mark, this is the product of your hard work with my.

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